Product Authenticity

Product authenticity is at the core of our operations, and is the most important promise we make to our customers. The authentication process is carried out by professionals with years of experience in the world of fashion and luxury goods, from both retail and production standpoints.

We take a number of steps to ensuring that all items are genuine and in great condition, with all of their original allure. Our team carry out comprehensive appraisals of all products, using detailed knowledge of the specific standards of each luxury brand we stock. They take into account the special characteristics and quality of the models, materials and handicraft techniques required to make them, as well as the presence of serial codes.

Should they find anything that does not correspond to the manufacturing standards of the brand in question, Iryna Sigunava will ask the seller to provide proof of purchase or authenticity. The seller bears sole responsibility for the authenticity of items and must be aware of existing laws regarding counterfeit goods. If the authenticity cannot be determined, the item is refused and returned to the seller, who will bear the cost of shipping. Should the seller not arrange return within 45 days, the item will be donated to charity or disposed of. Iryna SIgunava's team of expert authenticators take counterfeiting seriously, and work in close partnership with the authorities responsible for compliance and enforcement.

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